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What we do

The activities carried out by Polish diplomacy align with the principles of Polish foreign policy. According to the Government Departments Act of 4 September 1997, the Minister of Foreign Affairs coordinates the annual formulation of these principles, submitting them for consideration and approval by the Council of Ministers.

Using the approved government document as a basis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs provides the Sejm of the Republic of Poland with detailed information about the tasks of Polish foreign policy for the upcoming year. This address, commonly referred to as the exposé, is typically delivered at the beginning of the calendar year.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is also responsible for developing long-term strategies in the field of foreign affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) participates in or monitors political, economic and social processes, which take place on a global scale and in our international surroundings. This involvement is driven by an active, priority-focused sectoral policy. Here you can find more information on areas which are of particular interest for the MFA.