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MFA statement on the sixth anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea


Tabliczka 6

On the sixth anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, which preceded the military aggression in eastern Ukraine, Poland invariably condemns the illegal occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

We are consistent in our support of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as stated in United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 adopted on 27 March 2014. We underline our permanent commitment not to recognise, either now or in the future, the illegal annexation of Crimea.

The illegal annexation of Crimea carried out by the Russian Federation poses a serious challenge to international security and to the legal order that safeguards the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states.

We are steadfast in our opposition to the illegal actions undertaken by the Russian Federation aimed at consolidating the annexation. The militarisation of the Crimean Peninsula and the city of Sevastopol adversely affects the security in the Black Sea region, while limiting navigation through the Kerch Strait is a violation of international law.

We express our deep concern with the deteriorating human rights situation on the peninsula under the Russian Federation’s occupation, including the persecution of the Tatar minority and the Ukrainian-speaking community. We call on the Russian Federation to provide unlimited access to Crimea for international organisations monitoring the observance of human rights.

MFA Press Office
