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Minister Radosław Sikorski attends meeting with Ukrainian students of College of Europe in Natolin


Poland's top diplomat met today with Ukrainian citizens who are studying this year at the College of Europe in Natolin thanks to the Polish Foreign Ministry's support. They will complete a one-year programme of European Interdisciplinary Studies in June 2024.

Minister Radosław Sikorski attends meeting with Ukrainian students of College of Europe in Natolin

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs grants scholarships to Ukrainian citizens studying at the College of Europe in Natolin pursuant to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 25 November 2009 on education of Ukrainian students at the College of Europe in Natolin. The scholarships are funded to support Ukraine's efforts to join the European Union.


Founded in Bruges in 1949 and in Natolin in 1992, the College of Europe is the oldest post-graduate institute of European studies. Each year, around 130 graduates of the best universities from over 30 countries study at the College of Europe in Natolin. The European Interdisciplinary Studies programme in Natolin is taught by an international group of lecturers and experts from 24 countries, offering the students a fully personalised and intercultural educational experience. Since its inception, the College of Europe in Natolin has specialised in topics connected with the EU’s enlargement and cooperation with its eastern and southern neighbours. In its research and teaching, Natolin also focuses on issues crucial to today’s Europe and the world: migration, digital and energy transition, tackling climate change, media evolution, and disinformation.


Photo: Barbara Milkowska/MSZ

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