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Minister Radosław Sikorski on visit to Finland


Today's visit paid by Poland's top diplomat to Helsinki, where he met with President Alexander Stubb and Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen, confirmed that Poland and Finland speak with one voice on many important topics. Both parties are determined to continue this positive cooperation.

During his visit to Helsinki, the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry met with Finnish President Alexander Stubb

The discussion between the foreign ministers concerned bilateral relations, as well as a crucial matter which is security in Europe, including hybrid threats at the European Union's eastern borders. The ministers agreed that the cooperation should be furthered in order to counteract such hybrid measures which are based on migration pressure.

The prospect of developing Polish-Finish relations, including tightening cooperation in energy, civil defence, and arms industries, was an important point on the agenda. Possibilities of support for Ukraine, including further involvement of both states in complex assistance for that country, were also debated. In this respect, it will be important to close loopholes in the sanctions system and to strengthen it, as well as to implement solutions to use the frozen Russian assets for Ukraine's recovery.

During Minister Radosław Sikorski's meeting with Alexander Stubb, the officials discussed the regional security situation, support for Ukraine, and bilateral cooperation.


Photo: Barbara Milkowska/MFA

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