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Polish Aid support Zewditu Memorial Hospital in Addis Ababa


Neonatal and nephrology hospital’s departments will receive new medical equipment as part of a small grant from Polish Aid.

Amb. P. Bobak, I Radca D. Bobak, dr Zelalem Chimdesa, dyrektor szpitala Zewditu Memorial Hospital, dr Henok Fisseha, koordynator przed wejściem do placówki

Ambassador Przemysław Bobak and director Zelalem Chimdesa signed an agreement on the implementation of a small grant for the Zewditu Memorial Hospital in Addis Ababa. The hospital is one of twenty public medical facilities in the Ethiopian capital. It admits tens of thousands patients annually. He could do more, if not for the lack of specialized medical equipment. The dialysis department has only three devices and more then 1,000 patients waiting for medical help. The pediatric neurosurgical unit suffers from a lack of important operating materials leading to delivery of poor quality service and also contributing for delayed surgical interventions.

Polish Aid funds will be allocated to meet the most urgent needs. Zelalem Chimdesa, director of the hospital, expressed his hope that this was the beginning of cooperation, because his facility would accept any help with gratitude, and the medical team would like to learn from specialists from Poland.

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