We will be collecting consular fees in US dollars only starting from November 1, 2021.
Consular fees will be charged in USD only, by bank transfer to Embassy’s bank account in Poland or by cash.
While understanding that changing currency may be less convenient for some of our consular clients, we were forced to make this decision due to a mix of monetary, operational and legal factors.
Bank account details
Ambasada RP w Addis Abebie
PKO Bank Polski
PL 98 1020 1026 0000 1502 0485 3869
IMPORTANT - when transferring the payment:
1. make sure that we receive the full amount, without transfer fee deducted (choose option “OUR”)
2. in the title of the transfer you need to provide full name of consular applicant and his/her passport number
3. bring the printed confirmation of payment for the meeting in the consulate
The consular fees are presented in the table here.