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Webinarium 25.03.2020

Webinarium 25.03.2020


Digital Intelligence for Safer Borders.

Today we live in a digital world where our lives generate massive amounts of data – and equal amounts of potential evidence.

Organizations are not always able to harness digital to its fullest potential, because existing processes and procedures are not designed to meet the demands of modern-day investigations.

We’re here to help organizations like yours evolve, so that you can bridge the technological and resource gap by implementing a comprehensive digital strategy.

During this webinar you will learn:

a. How Cellebrite solutions can accelerate the investigation for different Tier levels (border gates, immigration in the field and in the lab)
b. How the Cellebrite Digital Intelligence solutions map the triage data to reflect irregularity and relevant data intelligence to the case from the large collected data
c. How image, video and voice analytical modules that can serve the investigators/Analysts during an investigation

d. How Management and Orchestration of the DI solutions guarantee all ends are using defined SOPs

Join us on March 25th for an exciting discussion from leading experts who will share their experiences

