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Minimum wage

The employee is entitled to minimum wage for work. This is the amount to which they are entitled irrespective of their qualifications, their personal classification, the components of their remuneration, the system and schedule of working time applied by the employer, as well as the particular characteristics and conditions of work.

The minimum remuneration for work in Poland is a national category. It is not subject to differentiation according to the region, industry, economic sector, professional group or skills.

The fixed minimum wage level for employees takes the form of a monthly rate (it may be converted to an hourly rate). The minimum remuneration is adjusted annually.

As of 1 July 2024, the minimum remuneration is PLN 4 300 per month.

When comparing the amount of remuneration of an employee with the applicable minimum remuneration, all the elements of remuneration and other benefits resulting from the employment relationship applicable to the employee are taken into account. The components in question are those that are counted as personal remuneration according to the principles of employment and remuneration statistics as defined by the Statistics Poland.

The minimum remuneration, therefore, includes not only the base remuneration, but also other components of remuneration, including bonuses and awards. This is thus the total remuneration of the employee for nominal working time in a given month.

The minimum wage does not include:

  • an anniversary award,
  • retirement benefit,
  • overtime pay,
  • supplement for night work,
  • seniority allowance,
  • special working conditions allowance.

From July 1, 2024 the minimum wage  is 4300 PLN for each month. 

Translated with the support of the European Labour Authority
