04.09.2024‘The labour market needs to change’ argued Minister Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk at the Economic ForumAgnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy, gave a speech on the labour market at the Economic Forum in Karpacz. She focused on the fact that, when discussing the shortage of workers on the labour market, we must not look for blame in specific social groups, such as senior citizens or young mothers, but we must make a comprehensive reform of the labour market to enable them to be economically active.
19.08.2024Partners of the 'Communication Center for People with Disabilities’ project selected!The inaugural meeting of the Communication Center for People with Disabilities was held on Monday 19 August. The Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People has selected the partners with whom it will jointly implement the Communication Center project. These are three organisations: MIGAM S.A., the Polish Association of the Deaf and the Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disability.
09.08.2024Widow's pension with the President's signature! Restoring dignity to widows and widowersWidows and widowers will be able to collect their retirement benefit and survivor's pension of their deceased spouse. This means financial support for up to 2 million seniors who will see their retirement and pension benefits increase.
06.08.2024Honorary benefits for centenarians guaranteed by the Act of law and indexed annuallyHonorary benefits for individuals who have reached one hundred years of age will be guaranteed by the Act law soon and, moreover, they will be indexed on an annual basis. The Council of Ministers has just adopted a draft Act on this issue. This is an important change for several thousand Polish seniors. Today, around 6 thousand centenarians receive the benefit, however, this number will increase year on year.
06.08.2024Unemployment in July lowest in 34 years5 per cent - this was the rate of registered unemployment at the end of July 2024, as estimated by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy. A lower July value of the unemployment rate was last recorded in 1990.
06.08.2024Grants for local authorities for social servicesApplications for grants for local authorities for the purchase of social services can be already submitted. Under the “Social Bonus” project, any local authority that establishes cooperation with a social economy entity can receive a grant of up to PLN 350 thousand.
05.08.2024Parent, do you have any questions about the Active Parent benefit? Check it out!Does my family situation qualify me as eligible for the Active Parent scheme? Does the funding also cover children's clubs? Answers to these and other questions about the new Active Parent programme can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). The ZUS helpline is also available by phone at (22) 560 16 00.
30.07.2024“By joining forces, we can provide greater safety and better health for workers during hot weather” assured Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, the Minister of Labour.Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, the Minister of Labour has commissioned preparatory work to regulate work under high temperature. Today, another meeting on this issue was held. Participants included representatives from the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy (MRPiPS), the State Labour Inspection, the Central Institute for Labour Protection and the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine.
25.07.2024"First Daycare Provider" ("Pierwszy dzienny opiekun") programme means PLN 60 million for municipalities without a crèche"We are meeting the expectations of municipalities and helping to create these small, micro daycare centres where children will find qualified care and will be able to develop," Minister Aleksandra Gajewska stated at today's press conference. The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy has launched a new programme aimed at municipalities where there is currently no childcare facility for children under three. Funding from the "First Daycare Provider in the Municipality" programme can be applied for.
23.07.2024CSO confirms: unemployment at record low in JuneCentral Statistical Office confirmed the Ministry of the Family, Labour and Social Policy's estimates – the registered unemployment rate in Poland in March this year was 5.3 %. The number of unemployed was even lower than we estimated, with 762,200 people unemployed. The last time fewer unemployed people were registered with the labour offices was at the end of July 1990.