Sick pay
An employee retains the right to be remunerated for the period of incapacity for work due to sickness or confinement because of an infectious disease.
This remuneration is payable for this period, taking up a total of (per calendar year):
- up to 33 days; or
- up to 14 days in the case of an employee who has reached the age of 50 (employees who reached that age during the calendar year).
The amount of sick pay for the period of sickness is as follows:
- 80% of the remuneration,
- 100% of the remuneration in the cases of:
- accident on the way to or from work,
- illness during pregnancy,
- undergoing necessary medical examinations for donors of cells, tissues and organs and undergoing collection of cells, tissues and organs.
Periods of incapacity for work for a period longer than 33 or 14 days are eligible for a sickness benefit.