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Communication no. 12 on providing the GIFI with the adjustments of the information referred to in Article 72 of the AML/CFT Act previously submitted to the GIFI.

In connection with impending expiry of the time limit of the transitional period in the process of providing the GIFI with the information which arises from the Act of 1 March 2018 on counteracting money laundering and financing of terrorism (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1115), hereinafter referred to as “the AML/CFT Act” and thus reaching a target status in the system of receiving files containing the information referred to in Article 72 of the AML/CFT Act after 13 July of the current year, I hereby inform about the rules concerning the provision of adjustments of the information referred to in Article 72 of AML/CFT Act already submitted to the GIFI ITC system.


1. Adjustment of the information submitted with the use of templates of electronic documents referred to in Article 78(2) of the Act published in the central repository of electronic document templates:

In the case of circumstances indicating that the adjustment of the data in the information previously submitted to the GIFI is necessary, the obligated institution sends the adjustments of this information which was read to the database of the GIFI ITC system (the file containing the information obtained the “R” status „Transakcje z pliku zostały wczytane” [translation “Transactions from the file have been read”]. The same templates of electronic documents are used for sending these adjustments as for sending the original information on transaction (the previously sent original information on transaction). The distinguishing feature of the adjustment is marking the logical value „prawda” [translation ‘truth”] for the ‘korekta’ [translation  “adjustment”] attribute in the structure of the xml file containing the information on transactions.

As the adjustment the obligated institution submits the full information on transaction (changed in relation to the original information, including elements which need to be adjusted).

Placing the date/time of making the adjustment in the information is obligatory.

The adjusted information as the IdentyfikatorTr (unique transaction identified in the obligated institution register) contains the same identifier as the information on the original transaction (the adjustment is not separate information on transaction - it is another version of the already sent information on transaction). The adjustment which will not have an appropriate identifier (IdentyfikatorTr) causes the generation of the information on irregularities in the transferred file and it will not be accepted.

The information on adjustment may be submitted together with other information (on transactions, including other information on adjustments). The same rules of validation and data coherence apply to the files containing the information on adjustments as for other files containing the information referred to Article 72 of the AML/CFT Act.

The obligated institution may submit next adjustments of the information on transactions - however, the rule of reasonable actions should be observed in this regard) - if in the moment of submitting the information on adjustment the obligated institution wants to change three elements of the information in relation to the original information - they should be changed as part of one adjustment.

If the obligated institution submits the information on transactions for the second time due to rejection of the previous file containing the information on transactions by the GIFI ITC system - the submitted information will not constitute an adjustment (and it should not be designated as adjustments). This regards, inter alia, the situation in which the generated irregularity code concerned the coherence/validation of single transactions in a file when all information contained in the rejected file (the file is accepted/rejected as a whole) needed to be resubmitted in another (adjusted) transfer (or transfers).


2. Adjustment of the information submitted pursuant to the existing provisions, i.e. the provisions of the repealed Act of 16 November 2000 on counteracting money laundering and financing of terrorism with the use of templates of files stipulated in the provisions thereof.

The submission of the above-mentioned information on adjustments may take place with the use of data formats used for sending the original information.

The files containing only transactions subject to adjustment will be accepted in the system, i.e. “STATUS” box for every transaction will have the value 0 (zero). If the file contains transactions with  status 1, the file will be rejected in full.
