Communication no. 16 on reporting the information concerning above threshold transactions referred to in Article 72(6)(3) of the AML/CFT Act and the transfer of funds referred to in Article 72(1)(2) of the AML/CFT Act to the GIFI.
Due to enquiries concerning the manner of reporting by the obligated institutions directed to the General Inspector of Financial Information (the GIFI):
1) data referred to in Article 36(1)(1)(d) of the Act of 1 March 2018 on counteracting money laundering and financing of terrorism (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1115) in connection with Article 72(6)(3) of this Act when the customer of the obligated institution does not have a NIP number and has not been entered into the commercial register[1];
2) transfer of funds constituting the transaction concluded on the interbank market not related to own management of the obligated institution when the lack of data of a person authorised to represent the customer - the bank for which the reporting institution holds a LORO account
I hereby indicate the manner of fulfilling transaction cards expected by the GIFI[2] :
In the scope of point . 1):
Pole <NumerWRejestrze> wartość „BRAK DANYCH”
Pole <DataRejestracji> wartość ”1899-12-31”
Pole <NazwaRejestru> wartość „BRAK DANYCH”
Pole <Kraj> wartość „XX”
[Box <NumberInTheRegister> value “NO DATA”
Box <RegistrationDate> value ”1899-12-31”
Box <RegisterName> value <NO DATA”
Box <Country> value “XX”]
In the scope of point 2):
Pole <ImiePierwsze> wartość „relacja korespondencka”
Pole <ImieDrugie> puste
Pole <Nazwisko> wartość = nazwa banku
Pole <Obywatelstwo> wartość = kod kraju, w którym bank jest zarejestrowany
Pole <PESEL> puste
Pole <DataUrodzenia> wartość „1899-12-31”
Pole <KrajUrodzenia> wartość = kod kraju, w którym bank jest zarejestrowany
Pole <RodzajDokumentu> wartość = „IN”
Pole <SeriaINumerDokumentu> wartość = „BRAKDANYCH” (wielkie litery bez spacji)
Pole <KrajUrodzeniaOsoby> puste
[LegalPersonAuthorised Person:
Box <FirstName> value “correspondent relation”
Box “MiddleName> empty
Box <Surname> value = the bank’s name
Box <Citizenship> empty
Box <PESEL> empty
Box <DateofBirth> value “1899-12-31”
Box <Country ofBirth> value = the code of a country in which the bank is registered
Box <KindofDocument> value =“IN”
Box <DocumentSeriesAndNumber> value = NODATA (capital letters without spaces)
Box <Person’sCountryOfBirth> empty]
[1]The commercial register referred to in Article 36(1)(2)(d) of the AML/CFT Act should not be confused with the commercial register within the meaning of the Regulation of 22 April 1919 on the commercial register or solely with the register of entrepreneurs referred to in the Act of 20 August 1997 on the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 986, as amended) (it replaced the commercial register). The understanding of this kind of register is appropriate through the reference to commercial registers or companies registers in Article 30(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and the Council of 20 May 2015, the provision of which refers to Article 3 of Directive 2009/101/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 September 2009.
[2] Link to the website via which the obligated institutions may submit the information on above threshold transactions referred to in Article 72 to the GIFI