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Secondary market statistics

In May, the value of transactions on the Treasury bond secondary market increased by 2.1% m/m and amounted to PLN 1 085.2bn. Trading in bonds focused on the non-regulated OTC market (91.3%), however the share of the TBS Poland electronic platform in total turnover increased significantly and reached 8.6% compared to 3.7% in average during the last 12 months. The share of WSE was merely 0.03%.

Value of transactions on the secondary market for Treasury bonds denominated in PLN in May 2024 (M PLN)
  OTC market Treasury BondSpot Poland WSE Total
T-bonds 991 109,23 93 755,00 346,71 1 085 210,94

Source: National Depository for Securities (KDPW) and WSE. Data from KDPW are presented according to the date of the settlement, while data from WSE are presented according to the date of conclusion of a transaction.
Historical data are available in the file transakcje_po_typach_rynków.xlsx
Last update - 28.06.2024

Value of transactions on the secondary market for Treasury securities denominated in PLN in May 2024 (M PLN)
  Outright Sell-buy-back Repo Total
T-bonds 179 727,80 559 449,43 346 005,97 1 085 183,20
T-bills 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
Total 179 727,80 559 449,43 346 005,97 1 085 183,20

Source: National Depository for Securities (KDPW) and National Bank of Poland (the NBP).
Data are presented by settlement date.
Historical data are available in the file transakcje.xlsm
Last update - 28.06.2024



Value of transaction on Treasury bonds by market types
Transakcje​_po​_typach​_rynkow05.xlsx 0.04MB
Value of transaction on Treasury securities
Transakcje05.xlsm 0.08MB
Value of transaction on Treasury bonds by series
Transakcje​_po​_seriach05.xlsx 0.25MB
Information on the publication of the document
Last updated on:
28.06.2024 15:00 Anna Czarnecka
First published on:
31.07.2019 15:03 Anna Czarnecka