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The Polish Pavilion at WUF 10

Poland has prepared a special pavilion promoting Katowice during WUF10 in Abu Dhabi. The city is the organiser of the next World Urban Forum (WUF11) in 2022. The theme of the winning application to organise the event was transformation of the capital of Upper Silesia – "Katowice in the heart of change".

The pavilion, with its form and interior layout, is a transparent composition depicting the dynamic transformation of Katowice – from a mining city, into a modern capital of innovation and business. At the front, a solid block opened at its base, gives prominence to passage to the next part of the pavilion, leading through a tunnel resembling a gallery in a coal mine. Then the visitors come to a stand with a garden, which can serve as a place for discussion or as a relaxation zone.

Katowice in the heart of change

The stands reflect the Silesian heaps which in their cross-section contain the layers of history of the region. At the same time, the heaps are in the process of cleaning, which allows them to gain usage value. Thus  they can form a basis for green areas and new structures.

While walking around the pavilion we can try to reflects on this process and feel a kind of purification. The City of Katowice is at the heart of change of the region, whereas the stands are the place where visitors can discuss freely about those changes.  You can feel like one of Upper Silesia inhabitants, looking from the top of the heap at the city.

The pavilion layout

The pavilion is one storey high. It is laid out on a square plan with a side of ten meters. The pavilion body refers to the architecture of Upper Silesia, both industrial, modernist and modern.

Outside, the pavilion is surrounded by pavements. Along them you can see the history of the transformation of Upper Silesia and Katowice. Forum participants have the opportunity to see the exhibition and panoramic photos of Katowice. The reception, catering area and exhibition area are located at the front of the pavilion. They are located at the main passage and invite you inside.

Inside the pavilion we will find an exhibition of innovative products from Poland. It is the so called Innovation Room. The leitmotif here is Poland as a key location for the latest solutions and technologies. On display there are robots, drones, tele-medical devices and many other consumer goods.  Some of them are presented in 3D printing, others are based on AI algorithms or use other innovative solutions.

Conference and relaxation area

The heart of the pavilion is the green conference zone. Here, you can sit on the Silesian heap, rest and relax among the greenery. You can listen to music and feel the fragrance of the forest sprayed around. This zone is intended for speakers, debates and discussions. This is also where the characteristic neon from the heart of Katowice will be located.

The Polish design

The pavilion is equipped with furniture of the Polish designers. It is arranged on the exhibition area so that visitors can feel comfortable in every part of the pavilion, also in the conference area.

The chair is treated here as the basic product of design and illustrates the development of the Polish design. Many of the selected objects became a symbol of their times and received international awards and distinctions.

The pavilion will also include an exhibition of small products of the Polish design creators, the so-called Cabinet of the Polish Design. Here you will find ceramic products, toys, jewelry and other consumer items which will promote the Polish design.
