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Basic information

The role of Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography is to provide access to current geodetic and cartographic information and co-creating a modern spatial data infrastructure. The tasks carried out by Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography result mainly from two basic legal acts:


The most important tasks of the Surveyor General of Poland include:

  • supervising realisation of the national policy in the scope of land surveying and cartography,
  • maintaining the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resources,
  • maintaining records in the systems of information on lands with general state importance,
  • granting professional qualifications in the area of land surveying and cartography,
  • creating and maintaining the geoportal of spatial information, as the central access point for services (such as searching, reviewing, downloading and transforming) within a full thematic and territorial range of infrastructure,
  • being responsible for contacts with the European Commission. The Surveyor General of Poland has been appointed as the National Contact Point on issues relating to the INSPIRE Directive.

Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography is not responsible for cadaster in Poland. There are 380 poviats where the land and building register is stored (cadastral database). It is not a central system. In total, the Polish cadastral database consists of 37 million parcels and about 15 million buildings. Each district maintains cadastral dataset limited spatially to its boundaries. Each district is obliged by law to publish network services providing dataset the district maintains. This results in 380 WMS services published by districts providing cadastral datasets

In the second half of 2018 GUGiK undertook actions aimed at publishing the cadastral data directly from the poviat (county) servers. The aim of this undertaking, was to create web services providing broad access to all poviat data bases - with the help of administration units and commercial companies. As a result of the activities, among others service was created:

KIEG – (National Integration of Land Records)  – a WMS service which allows users to generate land and building register maps for any area of the country.

ULDK – (Cadastral Parcel Location Service) – a service for the location of cadastral parcels which enables spatial location of a specific parcel based on its identifier, district name and parcel number, or based on X,Y coordinates of any point within it.

Complete technical details of these services can be found at their respective websites, namely:

A list of all data and services provided by GUGiK can be found in the Basic spatial data services dedicated to use in state information systems document.


Basic spatial data services dedicated to use in state information systems
Basic-spatial-data-services-dedicated-for-use-in-state-information-systems​_ver109​_(9).pdf 5.03MB