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GUGiK provide the public and private sectors with high quality data.

Data of the Central Geodetic and Cartographic Resource is now freely available for download from Open data sets include:

  • Data of the digital terrain model (NMT) – central level
  • Data of the digital terrain coverage model (NMPT) – central level
  • Laser scanning (LIDAR) data – central level
  • Orthophotomaps – central level
  • Geodetic control network point data – county and central level
  • Topographical feature database (BDOT10k) – provincial and central level
  • Geometric data of land parcels and buildings with basic descriptive attributes – county level

The user can download any required data, without any limitations. The opening of spatial data improves data availability for citizens and boosts the development of businesses operating in the spatial domain.

More details on the data can be found under the link.

Other data, which are paid for, are available in the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource(PZGiK). The collection and sharing of data shall be carried out by:

  • Surveyor General of Poland – as regards the central level,
  • Voivodship marshals – in terms of provincial resources,
  • Heads of counties – in terms of county resources.

Detailed information on the data available for a fee can be found at the link or directly on the portal PZGiK(on-line data purchase)

Data download

Instructions for downloading data can be found on the GUGiK YouTube channel. It is possible to easily download this data through
