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Information on simplified access to the medical professions in Poland


New regulations facilitating work in Poland came into force.

Embassy of Poland in New Delhi

On 30 December, 2020 came into force new regulations facilitating work in Poland concerning:

1. doctors,

2. dentists,

3. nurses,

4. obstetricians,

5. paramedics,

who obtained qualifications to practice their professions in non-EU states.

Process of granting a licence to perform work in Poland in the above-mentioned professions is now simplified and the procedure has been significantly shortened.

Applications submitted to the Health Minister, as well as the applications lodged via the Consul of the Republic of Poland, are subject of the efficient consideration.


For further information regarding the rules on how to take up work by individual medical professions mentioned above, please see our website as well as the website of Polish Ministry of Health.


Call Center: (+48) 22 427 65 60 (languages spoken: PL, UA, RU i EN)

Working hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-18:00 (Polish time)

Interested applicants may obtain additional information from respective Polish diplomatic post abroad as per their place of residence.  

