02.01.2020Embassy in Delhi and Consulate General in Mumbai to cooperate with VFS Global from 13th of December 2019We are happy to announce start of our cooperation with VFS Global. From 13th of December 2019 all applicants can submit their visa application forms at the VFS visa application centers (VAC) in Delhi and in Mumbai. On the 8th of January 2020 next VACs will be opened.
29.12.2019Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki
11.12.2019Ambasada RP w Nowym Delhi rozpoczyna współpracę z VFS GlobalUprzejmie informujemy, że od 13 grudnia 2019 roku rozpoczynamy współpracę z VFS Global. Od tej pory wnioskodawcy z Indii i Afganistanu (wizy C i D) oraz Bangladeszu, Malediwów, Nepalu i Sri Lanki (wizy D) będą mogli złożyć aplikacje wizowe w biurze VFS w Nowym Delhi. Kolejne miasta, w których będzie można wnioskować o wizę do Polski to Bhopal, Czandigarh, Dźajpur i Kalkuta.
10.10.2019Olga Tokarczuk receives the Nobel Prize in LiteratureOlga Tokarczuk, Polish writer and activist, won the Nobel Prize in Literature for “a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life.”
01.09.201980th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World WarEighty years ago, German aggression on Poland started the Second World War. In the early hours of 1 September 1939, troops of the German Reich crossed the Polish-German border. Polish Army put up military resistance and expected the Allies’ reaction. On 3 September 1939, France and the UK declared war on the German Reich but did not take any real military action. Poland’s tragic fate was sealed on 17 September 1939 when the Soviet Union launched the invasion of Poland from the East. The attack of the German Reich and the Soviet Union resulted from the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed by the two totalitarian regimes, a secret protocol to which effectively divided Central Europe into the so-called spheres of influence.
Ostrzeżenie dla podróżujących w regionie Dżammu i KaszmirW związku ze zniesieniem autonomii stanu Dżammu i Kaszmir, nie zalecamy podróży w regionie Dżammu i Kaszmir i Ladakh. Osoby obecnie przebywające w tym regionie proszone są o stosowanie się do zaleceń policji i miejscowych władz.
UN Week – 75 anniversary of the United NationsThe MFA organised a series of expert panels and an information and promotional campaign under the slogan “UN Week” to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Organisation.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's Interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung"The EU tends to take its failures out on Poland and Hungary"