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National (D) - type with the right to work

List of required documents for applicants for a national visa (D) with the right to work


Please provide the original documents and their copies:

1. a completed visa application in the e-consulate system;

2. one passport photo on a white background, facing straight;

3. passport (with an expiry date not earlier than 90 days after the visa expires);

4.  A national visa applicant shall personally submit a document confirming the possession of Travel Medical Insurance, referred to in art. 25 sec. 1 point 2 letter “a” of the Act of 12 December 2013 on Foreigners or a document confirming the possession of health insurance as per the definition of the Act of 27 August 2004 on Health care services financed from public funds. Travel medical insurance with an insurance amount of no less than EUR 30,000 must be valid for the period of the intended stay of the foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland, cover all expenses that may occur during the stay in Poland due to the necessity of return travel for medical reasons, the need for urgent medical assistance, emergency hospital treatment or death, in which the insurer undertakes to cover the costs of healthcare services provided to the insured directly to the entity providing such benefits, on the basis of a bill issued by this entity.

More information: -> under the link: Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs about insurers and insurance offered by them that meet the conditions referred to in art. 25 sec. 1 point 2 letter “a” and paragraph 1b of the Act of 12 December 2013 on Foreigners. Under current circumnstances all the insurance policies have to be issued by a Polish-based company/institution.

5. work permit (original) issued by the competent authority of the Republic of Poland (voivodship office).

6. a document informing about the place of residence in Poland, e.g. a hotel reservation or an apartment rental agreement, in which the applicant will reside after arriving in Poland or another title to reside (property deed) with the exact address;

7. air ticket reservations both ways;

8. preliminary contract of employment signed by both parties, with the specified amount of remuneration, working time and scope of duties (in Polish and English).

9. documents confirming the scale of the enterprise's activity in which the applicant will work, and in particular: the National Court Register, the amount of income achieved in the current and previous year, the amount of income tax paid, the size of employment;

10. confirmation of having sufficient funds to travel to Poland and at least the first month of stay in Poland, e.g. account statement from the last 6 months (confirmed by the bank) or traveler's checks;

11. invitation from the employer - a letter from the employer is a document that includes contact details to the person issuing the abovementioned letter (in case of additional questions from the consul). The letter contains a statement that at the time of employment the future employee will be reported to ZUS and covered by health insurance. It also contains information about the character of the foreigner in what position and what salary he will have.

Dear Applicants, we kindly inform you that work applications must be filled in only in the National visa - work.

National Visa - study is strictly dedicated to students.

The National Visa - other - is strictly dedicated to families or a different purpose of departure.

Work applications filled in national visa - study or national visa - other will not be accepted.

Please follow the rules.

The 28 October 2020 amendment to the Act on Foreigners has introduced new requirements for travel insurance policies for the purpose of national (D) visas. These are now slightly different than requirements for Schengen (C) visas insurance policies and there is no list of approved insurance companies.

All travel insurance policies for national (D) visas must meet the following requirements:

1. Provide a 24/7 call centre,

2. Provide a minimum coverage of 30.000 EUR or equivalent,

3. Cover emergency medical assistance and/or emergency hospitalization,

4. Cover costs of transportation to the insured person’s place of residence in case of an illness or death.

After the amendment to the Act, a foreigner applying for a national visa for the purpose of work will be required to present a travel medical insurance of min the amount of 30 000 EUR for the entire period of validity of the visa.

Information on insurers can be found at:

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the list will be supplemented and updated on an ongoing basis.


Insurance.docx 0.01MB
Checklist - Polish national (D) visa for work purpose
Checklist​_D​_work.pdf 0.55MB