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Honorary consulates


Reminder: Polish honorary consulates have no legal capacity - you cannot apply for a visa/passport/legalization/etc. at a Polish honorary consulate. If you have any questions, kindly contact us directly:

Honorary Consulate in Surabaya

Honorary Consul  Soedomo Mergonoto 

address:  Jl. Bogowonto 45, 60241, Surabaya, Indonesia
telephone: +62-31 995 354 55/ 995 409 08
fax: +62 31 545 09 41
business hours: Monday - Friday 08:00 –18:00

Honorary Consulate in Abiansemal, Bali

Honorary Consul Nari Asmiati

address: Jl. Raya Pengembungan-Bongkasa; Banjar Kutaraga, Bongkasa; Abiansemal; Badung; Bali 80532 / The Ayung Terrace Private Resort
phone: +62 816 911 328
office area: Bali
office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10.00-13.00

Emergency number:

only in cases requiring emergency intervention after working hours: +62 816 911 328 (also WhatsApp).

Honorary Consulate in Bandung

Honorary Consul  Maria Jolanta Pawłowska-Budiman 

address:  Jl. Bukit Pakar Utara No. 75, 40198, Bandung, Indonesia
telephone: +62 811 205 266, +62 811 205 266
fax: +62 22 250 79 98

Honorary Consulate in Medan

Honorary Consul  Dr. Jonner Napitupulu 

address: Jl. Masdulhak No. 9A, 20152, Medan, Indonesia
telephone: +62 61 457 0 67, +62 61 452 58 39  
fax: +62 61 735 01 02, +62 61 845 39 11
business hours: Monday - Friday 08:00 –18:00

Honorary Consulate General in Dili

Honorary Consul General - Zeenat Aluwihare

address: Rua S. Jose, Delta 1, Comoro, Dili, Timor-Leste
telephone: +670 331 2264  
fax: +670-3312263 