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Poland increases its engagement in COVAX global vaccine facility


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic Poland has been actively engaged in all efforts aimed at fighting both the disease and its direct consequences, as well as countering the impact we all feel in our societies and the economy.

Stethoscope with financial on the desk.

Global solidarity and partnership is the only effective way to end the pandemic, which as a global threat, requires global actions. Equal proliferation of the effective COVID-19 vaccine is an important step to prevent dangerous virus mutations in other parts of the world and thus restore partner countries’ economies. Poland declares its strong support for global initiatives and collaboration to accelerate a fair and equitable access to vaccines for everyone in the world. This is why we decided to support COVAX AMC with our voluntary contribution (c.a. 1 mln USD). This contribution is complementary to the support granted to COVAX facility by the EU on behalf of its Member States via Team Europe funding and guarantees.

Our efforts to fight the pandemic so far have surpassed total worth of 135 mln EUR. It includes both reorientation of Polish bilateral development assistance and support to multilateral mechanisms, as well as humanitarian assistance and funding for research and development in health sector and other efforts aimed to provide universal access for the anti-COVID drugs, tests and vaccine on the basis of affordable price to all countries and people in need.
