Our staff
Maciej Hunia - Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Republic of Poland in the State of Israel
Aneta Niedzielska
Political-Economic Section:
Agata Czaplińska - Head of Section
Grzegorz Gaczyński
Maria Jurek
Communications and Public Diplomacy Section:
Magdalena Kukuła - Head of Section
Aleksandra Gaczyńska
Administrative and Financial Section:
Bartosz Woźniczko - Head of Section
Paulina Woźniczko
Dawid Choiński
Consular Section:
Jacek Biegała - Head of Section
Jolanta Srebrakowska
Izabela Choińska
Office of the Military Attaché:
Col. Adam Godlewski
Foreign Trade Office of Polish Investment and Trade Agency:
Mateusz Kamer
Polish Tourist Organisation Office in Tel Aviv:
Dorota Zadrożna