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Paltiel Perlmutter awarded "the City of Lublin Medal of Merit"


Mr. Paltiel Perlmuter was awarded "the City of Lublin Medal of Merit" by the President of Lublin, Krzysztof Żuk, on the occasion of his 100th birth anniversary, in recognition of his involvement in building Polish-Israeli relations.

Paltiel Perlmutter

Mrs. Agata Czaplinska, the Chargé d'Affaires of the Polish Embassy in Tel Aviv representing the President of Miasto Lublin presented the medal, emphasizing Mr. Perlmuter’s remarkable achievements and enduring spirit of resilience.

Born over 100 years ago in Lublin on March 30, 1924, he grew up accompanying his father, Avraham, a food trader in villages around Lublin. It was during these travels that he established friendships with peasants who later became his rescuers during the Holocaust.

Saved by Władysław and Janina Paszrebiak under the alias Paweł Paszrebiak, he survived World War II. In 1944, he enlisted in the army and marched to conquer Berlin.

In 1948, he immigrated to Israel, where he built a new life. In 1951, he married Bloma Zdanovitz, and they had three children: Yitzhak, Haim, and Tamar.

Despite the passage of time and distance, Mr. Perlmuter maintained a strong connection to his roots. He visited Lublin numerous times and nurtured lasting bonds with the city of his childhood.

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