President Andrzej Duda’s New Year`s Meeting with Representatives of the Jewish community in Poland
On January 8, 2020 President Andrzej Duda and the Spouse Agata Kornhauser-Duda hosted representatives of the Jewish community in Poland at a New Year's meeting. Please find below President's address in Polish, English and Hebrew.
POLISH_President Andrzej Duda’s New Year`s Meeting with Representatives of the Jewish community in Poland20-01-08_POLISH_wystąpienie_Prezydenta_Andrzeja_Dudy_podczas_spotkania_z_przedstawiecielami_społeczności_żydowską_w_Polsce.pdf 0.07MB HEBREW_President Andrzej Duda’s New Year`s Meeting with Representatives of the Jewish community in Poland
20-01-08_HEBREW_spotkanie_PAD_z_przedstawicielami_społeczności_żydowskiej_w_Polsce.pdf 0.27MB ENGLISH_President Andrzej Duda’s New Year`s Meeting with Representatives of the Jewish community in Poland
20-01-08_ENGLISH_President_Andrzej_Duda_Meeting_with_Jewish_community_in_Poland.pdf 0.07MB