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How can I obtain a certificate from the National Criminal Register (certificate of clear criminal record)?

  • by electronic means (basic information at, access to e-KRK ).
  • in person at one of the National Criminal Register Information Points or at the NCR Information Bureau at ul. Czerniakowska 100 in Warsaw, or by authorizing a third party to come to the National Criminal Register Information Point or to the registered office of the Bureau with a written power of attorney and a filled out and signed inquiry/request.
  • you can send the signed and paid form by mail to the National Criminal Register Information Point of your choosing or to the registered office of the Bureau. To that end, download the “inquiry for information about a person”/“inquiry for information about a collective entity” form from the Ministry of Justice website and pay the fee. The fee for the certificate may be paid: by bank transfer to the account of the Ministry of Justice (the account number is given below), in the form of a court fee stamp, purchased e.g. at the nearest courthouse or in cash at any courthouse cash desk. The title of the transfer should indicate the date of issue and the forename and surname of the person or collective entity to which the information from the Register pertains. Proof of payment must accompany the inquiry/request.


Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości, Al. Ujazdowskie 11, 00-950 Warsaw
NBP O/O Warszawa
PL 77 1010 1010 0400 1922 3100 0000
Narodowy Bank Polski
Oddział Okręgowy Warszawa
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 4
00-950 Warszawa
(SWIFT (BIC code) NBPLPLPW for foreign transfers)