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Licence award and extension for terrestrial distribution

From submitting the application to broadcasting

  • A submitted application is recorded and entered in the Regulatory Department’s data base.
  • The application receives a legal, programming, economic & financial and technical opinion.
  • Next, the application is presented at a National Broadcasting Council’s meeting, and the Council adopts a resolution to conclude the procedure.
  • The resolution on the licence award or on changing the technical conditions of broadcasting is forwarded to the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, who issues a decision approving the technical aspects of the resolution. Issuance of a decision by the KRRiT’s Chairman finalises the licence procedure.
  • Having obtained the licence decision, the broadcaster should apply to the President of the Office of Electronic Communications to book (in a separate decision) the frequency.

The fees and charges calculation method is set out in the KRRiT’s regulation on the fees and charges for awarding licences for radio & television programmes distribution and method of their calculation, dated 4 December 2012 (Journal of Laws item 1370): go to page with legal acts on the licence process.

The number of inhabitants within the programme signal reception shall be calculated following the KRRiT’s regulation on the technical methods of determining the programme signal reception within the area covered by the terrestrial broadcast distribution, dated 15 November 2012 (Journal of Laws item 1284): go to page with legal acts on the licence process.