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Licence award and extension for terrestrial distribution

The announcement notice is posted in two printed national daily newspapers and on the KRRiT’s website. The above procedure (preceded by the Announcement of the KRRiT’s Chairman) applies also to applications for extending a terrestrial licence by another broadcasting station as well as to applications for extending a licence by the right to distribute a programme by means of terrestrial satellite broadcast in the multiplex standard.

The KRRiT’s Chairman publishes the list of applicants participating in the procedure – it is available on the KRRiT’s website and in the KRRiT’s Office.

Applications submitted in connection with the abovementioned procedures will not be considered in the event that:

  • the application is submitted after the deadline specified in the Announcement,
  • the application is not in line with the conditions provided in the Announcement in terms of the object of the procedure, specification of the programme nature or the technical conditions.

The applications may be sent by mail or delivered to the KRRiT’s mail room no. 11. The applications should be in two copies.

In the course of the procedure, the applicant is obliged to notify the KRRiT’s Chairman forthwith of any changes in the actual state of facts or in the legal status pertaining to the application. For procedures concerning the award or extension of a licence for terrestrial broadcasting, one should bear in mind that any modifications of an application in the programming information or economic & financial information provided on the “Economic & Financial Information” form and in the assumptions to the financial plan and the specification of the project financing sources, made during the procedure, shall not be considered if applications have been submitted by more than one applicant. Provision of any supplementary information to the application by submitting documents that were missing on the application submission day, will also be considered a modification.


During the licence awarding procedure (pursuant to Art. 36 section 1 of the Act on radio and television broadcasting), in particular the following is evaluated:

  • the degree of conformity of the intended programming activity and the tasks specified in Art. 1 section 1 of the Act (information delivery, making available of the cultural assets and art, facilitating the access to education and scientific achievements, dissemination of citizenship education, providing entertainment, promoting the national audiovisual creation), as well as the extent to which those tasks are covered by other broadcasters operating on the licence concerned area,
  • applicant’s capacity to undertake necessary investments and programme funding,
  • the estimated proportion in the programming of shows produced by the broadcaster or ordered by it or coproduced with other broadcasters,
  • the estimated proportion in the television programming of shows referred to in Art. 15 sections 1 and 3 (shows initially produced in Polish language and European shows), or of works referred to in Art. 15 section 2 (music & lyrical works performed in Polish language) in the radio and television programming,
  • history of observing the radio communications and mass media regulations up to the present moment.