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Presentation of the results of the Polish-Kuwaiti Archaeological Mission


A presentation of the results of the work of the joint Polish-Kuwaiti Archaeological Mission was organised at the Embassy of Poland in Kuwait on Wednesday 2 November 2022.


After a hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Kuwait-Poland Archaeological Mission (KPAM) has resumed work in the Al-Subiyah desert in northern Kuwait. The team is excavating the prehistoric site of Bahra 1, which dates back to the Ubaid period in the mid-6th millennium BC.

The Polish side was represented by staff from the Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, led by Professor Piotr Bielinski. 

Bahra 1, discovered by Dr. Sultan Al-Duweish, director of archaeology at the Kuwait National Museum and co-director of the KPAM, has already yielded a number of unprecedented discoveries. Among them is a fragment of a copper pin - an extremely rare find even in southern Mesopotamia, and unique in the Arabian Peninsula.

The presentation of the discoveries was led by Professor Piotr Bielinski together with Dr. Sultan Al-Duweish. During the lecture, the nature of the work carried out and photographs of the ornaments, pottery and other items found were presented.

The event was attended by representatives of the media and the diplomatic corps. 

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