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Poland remains active in the works of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) based in The Hague. Poland acted several times as a member of the Executive Council and chaired the work of the most important policy making organs of the Organization, i.e. the annual Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the CWC Review Conference (every 5 years). We donated funds for the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons (100,000 euros in 2013) and the development of a modern OPCW laboratory (100,000 euros in 2018). The special role of the Republic of Poland in the promotion of the Convention is stressed in the annual introduction to the United Nations General Assembly First Committee - as the sole sponsor – of the draft resolution on the implementation of the Convention. In practical terms, Poland is a beneficiary of programs prepared and co-financed by the OPCW with an active participation of i.a. the Institute of Organic Chemical Industry, Central School of State Fire Service in Częstochowa, customs service and chemical industry plants (e.g. "Associate Program").
