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Anniversary of Poland joining the European Union


On June 11, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Wellington, in cooperation with the Polish Investement and Trade Agency based in Sydney, organized a conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Poland's membership in the European Union.

20-lecie PL w UE

During the conference, the guests discussed the business opportunities created due to the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and New Zealand which entered into force on May 1, 2024. The pannelists were highliginh the impressive changes in Polish economy since joining  the European Union and today’s strong position, 5th biggest on the european market. The benefits of FTA were well discussed and it is predicted its effect in growing business bewteen our countires. In the last 30 years the trade between Poland and New Zealand reached 900%.

It is worth to add that just days before the event, MFAT has published report regarding the business opportunities in Poland. Check it out here.

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