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Ceremony of presenting Letter of Credence


Mr Grzegorz Kowal presented the Letter of Credence to the New Zealand Governor General The Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy, accrediting him as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to New Zealand. The ceremony took place at the Government House in Wellington on 5 November 2020.


The ceremony commenced with the sounding of a bugle followed by the traditional Maori welcome and a challenge. Ambassador Kowal was then escorted to the saluting dais and inspected the Guard of Honour. 

At the Government House, the Polish Ambassador was received by the Governor-General. In his speech, Ambassador Kowal reminded of common values the Polish - New Zealand relations are traditionally based on, good political dialogue and historic ties. 

Today Polish New Zealanders are hardworking and committed members of the New Zealand society, contributing to the splendid growth of this magnificent and hospitable country day by day. They are also the real Ambassadors of Polish tradition and heritage. - said Ambassador G. Kowal in his statement. 

Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy also acknowledged "the warm and cooperative relations that exist between our two countries". 

There is real potential to grow trade between New Zealand and Poland, with opportunities in many sectors - education, agritech, renewable energy, wine, film and innovation, to name but a few. As our countries respond and recover from the significant impact of Covid-19, it will be more important than ever to ensure that our economic, political and social links continue working effectively to support mutual prosperity an dwell-being for our citizens. - stated the New Zealand Governor-General. 


Photos: courtesy of Government House.

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