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Polish Festival in Lower Hutt


The Polish Festival in Lower Hutt was a big affair and an ideal place to spend the windy and rainy day in good company of friends and families, eating delicious food and enjoying Polish dance and music!

Dance by "Orzeł"

On September 24, 2023, the annual Polish Festival took place in Lower Hutt. Regularly organized by the Association of Poles in New Zealand and co-financed by the Embassy The festival took it attracted a large number of participants. Among the approximately 3,000 people, you could meet multi-generational Polish families as well as New Zealanders from the entire Wellington region. The event is now permanently included in the cultural events program of the capital of New Zealand.

The festival is a celebration of everything Polish - from music and dance to Polish cuisine. The hosts and guests were welcomed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Grzegorz Kowal, who in his speech also expressed best wishes and congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the Association of Poles in New Zealand. The program of this year's Festival offered many attractions - there were shows by two folk dance groups "Orzeł" and children's dance "Orlęta", as well as musical performances by the bands "Koledzy" and "Krakerjack". During the festival, there were also competitions and quizzes on knowledge about Poland.

The festival also saw the premiere of an exhibition about the history of the Polish Association in New Zealand, summarizing the last 75 years of activity.

We are looking forward to the next Festival and counting days until Christmas Market in Dom Polski!

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