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The gen. Anders Programme by NAWA


Scholarships for the Polish diaspora are addressed to foreigners of Polish origin. They enable young people of Polish origin and holders of the Card of the Pole (Karta Polaka) to study in Poland (full-time programmes, in the Polish language) in higher education institutions supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Applications deadline is 16 March 2020.


Foreigners, also those from New Zealand, who have documented their Polish origin and holders of the Card of the Pole (Karta Polaka - holders of Karta Polaka does not need to document their Polish origin) are eligible to start their I and II degree studies as well as single master degree studies– in case of I degree studies and master degree studies, they may undertake their studies 2 years after the matriculation exam at the latest, and in case of II degree studies – two years after the completion of I degree studies at the latest and they cannot be older than 26.

Approved candidates may participate in one-year preparatory course before the beginning of their studies.

More information:
