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Decent work and economic growth

8 Decent work and economic growth

The possibility of carrying out paid work is fundamental to human dignity. Unfortunately, employment conditions and rules, especially for people from marginalised social groups, often violate basic standards, freedoms and are contrary to human rights.

Polish aid supports the creation of new jobs and the improvement of employment conditions, with particular emphasis on the situation of women, young people and people with disabilities. The creation of decent working conditions is inextricably linked to companies taking responsibility for respecting human rights. This applies to all companies, regardless of their size, industry, business context, ownership and structure.

Societies whose members have satisfying jobs and wages are more likely to build sustainable and innovative economies. Bearing in mind the dynamic and multi-directional demographic changes in developing countries in the coming years, the challenge will be to support the creation of quality jobs for young people adapted to the needs of local economies and labour markets. Already today, one fifth of the world’s young people are not engaged in education, employment and training. Neglecting this group may significantly jeopardise the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and increase its vulnerability to negative impacts, especially in conflict situations, as well as contribute to the growth of irregular migration.

Cooperation between Poland and developing countries will focus on technology and knowledge transfer. The aim is to promote full and productive employment and ensure decent work for all.

Entrepreneurship contributes to reducing unemployment, opens the way to innovation and growth, and can contribute to reducing social inequalities. In developing countries, it is often the only way to earn a living when the state is unable to create enough jobs for its citizens.

We promote entrepreneurship, especially among young people and women and in rural areas. We strengthen micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in their development to be competitive and innovative. We support local start-ups. We pay special attention to young entrepreneurs developing their ideas in modern branches of the economy and producing goods with high added value. We support the production of local goods.

Polish aid supports the creation and development of already existing innovation centres and modern business clusters. Poland aims to provide support for regional and local development strategies focused on economic growth. Our activities will serve to increase investment attractiveness, develop tourism, recreation and promote local culture.
