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Framework documents

Polish development cooperation is planned in a multi-annual perspective. The currently effective strategic document is the Multiannual Development Cooperation Programme for 2021-2030 – Solidarity for Development.

The Multiannual Development Cooperation Programme that spans at least four years is the most important document that defines, among others, geographic and thematic priorities of the Polish aid. Pursuant to the Development Cooperation Act of 16 September 2011, the programme is adopted by the Council of Ministers in the form of a resolution. A draft programme is designed by the MFA, assessed by the Development Cooperation Programme Council, and submitted for social consultations.

The operating documents for the Multiannual Cooperation Development Programme are the annual cooperation development plans that define the detailed forms of cooperation and activities related to development cooperation, humanitarian aid, and global education. The plans also define the amount of the funds assigned to each developing country or individual development cooperation task.

The currently effective strategic document is closely correlated with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and has its priorities rooted in sustainable development goals (SDGs). The following priorities have been defined in the programme:

  • peace, justice and strong institutions
  • equal opportunities

-        education

-        decent work

-        entrepreneurship

-        reducing inequalities

-        sustainable cities

-        regional development planning and development of rural areas

  • health
  • climate and natural resources

-        clean water and sanitary conditions

-        forests and biodiversity

-        renewable energy sources


The two cross-cutting priorities of the Polish development cooperation are climate protection and equal opportunities for men and women.

The priority countries of the Polish aid currently include ten countries, i.e., four Eastern Partnership countries (Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) and six countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East (Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, Palestine, Senegal, Tanzania).


2025 Development Cooperation Plan
2025​_Development​_Cooperation​_Plan​_EN.pdf 1.12MB
2024 Development Cooperation Plan
PWR​_2024​_EN.pdf 1.06MB
2023 Development Cooperation Plan
2023​_Development​_Cooperation​_Plan.pdf 1.26MB
2022 Development Cooperation Plan
2022​_Development​_Cooperation​_Plan.docx 0.10MB
2021 Development Cooperation Plan
2021​_Development​_Cooperation​_Plan.pdf 0.90MB
Multiannual Development Cooperation Programme 2016-2020
MSZ​_WPWR​_2018​_ENG​_srodek​_DRUK.pdf 3.31MB
Polish Development Cooperation Act 2011
Polish​_Development​_Cooperation​_Act​_2011.pdf 0.05MB