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Endowment of Wanda Błeńska’s Wanda Matugga Health Center with equipment necessary to launch its medical activity

Poland helps Uganda’s Wanda Matugga Health Centre photo:InnovAid
Implementing entity: Innovaid Foundation Amount od co-finansing: PLN 999,745


Uganda is characterised by high inci­dence of various infectious diseases (in­cluding AIDS, typhoid fever, malaria, and hepatitis A and E) and the unremittingly high (5.46%) infant mortality rate. The number of hospital neds per 100,000 inhabitants in Ugan­da is just 0.5, compared to 65,000 in Poland. The inhab­itants are therefore at high risk of contracting diseases but largely unable to obtain necessary medical aid and recover. Faced with these is­sues, the InnovAid Founda­tion together with its local partners, the Order of Friars Minor, devised a project to endow the Wanda Mattuga Hospital Centre with medical equipment. Basic hospital furniture such as beds and cabinets, medical devices, and equipment to safely de­liver births and assist infants with life-threatening condi­tions were purchased. The InnovAid Foundation volun­teer helped the staff to make the centre ready for opening and supported the establishment of a management process. The local medical staff was trained on medical and admin­istrative procedures so as to better assist patients. The hospital inauguration cere­mony took place in December 2019. The first baby born in the hospital was a girl named Wanda after the hospital’s patron­ess. The birth was assisted by Polish vol­unteers. In the second module of the pro­ject, which is to be carried out in 2020, the centre's infrastructure will be expanded and additional medical devices and the first ambulance will be purchased


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