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Increasing youth's access to vocational training and job-counseling and improving infrastructure of YMCA Vocational Center in Jericho

Increasing youth's access to vocational training and job-counseling and improving infrastructure of YMCA Vocational Center in Jericho
Implementing entity: The Representative Office of Poland in Ramallah Amount of co-finansing: PLN 126,794


The Vocational Centre in Jericho is one of the most vibrant institutions offering vocational training in the West Bank. However, to meet the labour market requirements and improve the chances of graduates to find a job, it is neces­sary to regularly improve the quality of the teaching offer, taking into account technical advances and modern-day two years technologies. In co­operation with the Representative Of­fice of the Republic of Poland in Ramal­lah, it was possible to purchase spe­cialist machines for electronic treat­ment of wood and metal, replacing the greatly insufficient manual treatment methods. Prop­er use of special­ist equipment was guaranteed due to training the centre staff, updating the curriculum, and hiring an industrial design  engineer. The state-of-the-art equipment will be used during classes by 70 students of the educational facility. The project also prompted the Centre’s management to send several members of its staff for two years of specialist training in de­signing arts and industrial design using the purchased accessories. The impor­tance of the project in modernising the vocational education sector and stimu­lating the spirit of entrepreneurship in Palestine was stressed during the Open Day that crowned the project and was attended by government administration and chamber of commerce officials, as well as the Palestinian Minister of La­bour and Education




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