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Poland’s assistance for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan


- Thanks to effective cooperation between national institutions, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, Solidarity Fund PL as well as Treasury-owned companies and foundations, and despite the ongoing challenges related to the pandemic-driven crisis, we can still provide assistance to those most in need outside our borders. - stressed the minister speaking about humanitarian aid which was dispatched to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan earlier today.

Poland’s assistance for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Under the airlift assistance initiative, Poland is sending to Kazakhstan disinfectant liquid and medicines worth over PLN 200,000, whereas PLN 800,000-worth of masks, thermometers, medicines and disinfectant liquid will go to Uzbekistan.

Apart from state administration institutions, the aid for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan was also organised thanks to Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo, Polfa Tarchomin, the LOTOS Foundation and the PKO BP Foundation.

By sending material aid to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, we are sharing what we can with countries badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Deputy Minister Jabłoński.

The deputy head of Polish diplomacy added that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are our important partners in Central Asia and Poland’s aid is a sign of international solidarity. He also expressed hope that today’s initiative will be a step towards further strengthening our friendship with the two countries.

Poland’s assistance for our Eastern neighbours and friends is an important part of Polish foreign policy. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, our humanitarian convoys have reached Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. We also organised visits of Polish doctors, nurses and paramedics from the Polish Center for International Aid to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Press Office

Photo: PGNiG 

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