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Polish Development Coorperation - 2016 Annual Report

group of young football players are standing in the pitch with title Polish Development Coorperation - 2016 Annual Report

Development cooperation has been playing an increasingly important role in Polish foreign policy. Poland’s efforts to support developing countries and participation in international organisations dealing with the reduction and eradication of poverty are important gestures of solidarity from a country that only a few years ago was a beneficiary of such aid itself.

Humanitarian aid is an important element of Poland’s development cooperation. Due to the current global political situation, it is mainly aimed at countries of the Middle East and Ukraine, regions affected by armed conflicts that are not geographically distant. Helping refugees as close to their homelands as possible is one of the priorities of Polish foreign policy.

Non-governmental organisations, experienced in working abroad for economic and social development, are the main partners in our efforts. Their expertise can support the development of civil societies and democratic systems in countries that need such assistance. Polish embassies and consulates have also played an increasingly important role, and through the Small Grants System they offer assistance to those most vulnerable, financing both small infrastructure investments and educational projects. Despite their modest budgets, these projects are extremely effective and address the critical needs of small local communities.

This report summarises the most important facts about Polish development cooperation, at the same time presenting numerous examples of projects implemented not only in the ten countries that are the main recipients of our aid, but also throughout the world.


Polish Development Coorperation - 2016 Annual Report
2016​_Raport​_EN​_light.pdf 7.23MB