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Polish Development Coorperation - 2018 Annual Report

on the cover of publication numer 2018 there are two women who are trained to be fireworkers with the title Polish Development Coorperation - 2018 Annual Report

Development cooperation is one of the key elements of Polish foreign policy as well as an important aspect of strengthening Poland’s international position as a country with considerable achievements and one which knows how to share them effectively. Projects carried out as part of Polish Aid offer measurable benefits to the communities to which they are addressed.

The year 2018 confirmed that Poland is playing an increasingly important role in the international arena as a provider of development and humanitarian aid. The Polish government has been systematically reinforcing its relations with the most important partners in this area. In September 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed with one of the oldest humanitarian organisations – the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Moreover, pursuant to a memorandum agreed in November 2018 with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), we will offer support to, among others, persecuted religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East. We also finance actions to manage Libyan borders more effectively, through the EU Emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa.


Polish Development Coorperation - 2018 Annual Report
raport-PWR-2019-04-ENG-0nline-20.pdf 3.43MB