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Quality education

4 Quality education

Universal access to quality education is a greater opportunity for a sustainable, balanced and peaceful development of countries and societies.

Education is of fundamental importance because the level of education very often translates into the perspectives of finding decent work, the possibility of participating in social life, enforcing one’s civil rights or even health. Education is one of the conditions for taking advantage of opportunities and full participation in society. Unfortunately, there are still millions of children and young people today who do not have access to it or receive very poor education. As a result, their chances for decent work are drastically reduced.

Polish aid supports the efforts of the countries covered by the aid to provide every child with equal educational opportunities and good quality education that meets modern challenges and standards. Special attention is paid to equal access to education for girls and young women and people from groups at risk of exclusion due to disability, internally displaced persons and refugees.

As part of our activities, we support civic education at school, including support for education in conflict areas. The cooperation covers all stages of education – from pre-school, through early, primary and secondary education to vocational training, at an academic level, as well as lifelong learning for all. We also provide support for teachers to improve their professional qualifications.

Foreign students at Polish universities have access to assistance such as scholarships and exemptions from tuition fees. The scholarships will help students obtain an education and skills that they can use to improve living conditions in their countries.

Through our activities, we strive to promote the idea of creating a society open to all population groups, including those socially excluded. Our goal is to remove not only physical barriers, but also mental ones, which stand in the way of people who are deprived of the opportunity for education.
