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Support to emergency medical system training programme and development, improving access to healthcare services

Support to emergency medical system training programme and development, improving access to healthcare services
Implementing entity: Polish Center for International Aid Amount of co-finansing: PLN 662,534


In 2019, the Polish Centre for Internation­al Aid, in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Palestinian Red Cross Society (PRCS) and Palestinian Interna­tional Cooperation Agency (PICA) began to implement a project to improve the medical rescue system in the West Bank. The initiative was adjusted to the actual needs of beneficiaries and aligned with the reform of the Palestine crisis man­agement and medical rescue system that had been ongoing for some years. The activities were related to technical support (providing special­ist medical equipment) and wide-ranging train­ing for medical servic­es. The project focused on systemic change by drafting regulations setting out the rights and operating meth­ods of medical rescu­ers as well as a system of lifelong education for rescuers, including instructor staff. Medi­cal supplies for almost 100 ambulances, the Palestinian Medical Centre in Ramallah, and the PICA Rapid Response and Rescue Team were provided. The official ceremo­ny of handing over the equipment was attended by numerous delegates of the Palestinian side, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Health. The ceremony also provided an oppor­tunity to sign a cooperation agreement between PICA, PRCS, Ministry of Health and Civil Defence Office that set forth the rules of collaboration for the Palestinian Rapid Response and Rescue Team.

A number of training courses for civilians were also staged in the project, in par­ticular in Zone C where access to medi­cal care is greatly hindered. Almost 340 training participants were equipped with first aid kits in order to provide care even more efficiently when necessary. Anoth­er batch of over 50 large kits was donat­ed to schools and public utility buildings.

The project will be continued in 2020

