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Sustainable cities and communities

11 Sustainable cities and communities

Rapid urbanisation is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century[1]. On the one hand, urban development contributes to economic growth. No country has achieved the status of a medium developed country without the urbanisation process.[2] On the other hand, urbanisation has a devastating effect on the natural environment and worsening the living conditions of the inhabitants. Sustainable development can stimulate positive changes in the functioning of cities and the lives of their inhabitants.

Therefore, we are involved in the processes of planning and renovating cities in a manner conducive to sustainable social development and improving the quality of life of citizens, revitalising dilapidated districts and modernising urban public services. It is also important to support the development of a local capacity to respond to crisis situations. Polish aid is involved in planning urban development, including transport infrastructure.



[1] New Urban Agenda. Habitat III
[2] UN System-Wide Strategy on Sustainable Urban Development