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The Fairy Tale Garden at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister


On Saturday, 1st of June, a special picnic was organised in the gardens of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister to celebrate Children’s Day. The event attracted thousands of participants, both children and adults. Among the ministries that prepared their stands in the Fairy Tale Garden was the MFA with Polish Aid booth.

A small child sitting on a mat with puzzle pieces.

At 10 o’clock sharp, the host of the meeting, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, opened the gate to the Chancellery and invited all guests to come inside. The Polish Aid stand offered numerous attractions for children. The most popular were games and animations conducted by experienced animators, which allowed young participants to learn what Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are, what classrooms on other continents look like, and where water on Earth comes from. The children did simple jigsaw puzzles and ordered drawings and pictures in two categories: human behaviour that contributes to the implementation of the SDGs and behaviour that causes environment pollution, violates human rights or exacerbates social inequalities. There was also an arts activity titled “Let’s colour our world!” during which children could create an image of the Earth with the use of unusual materials such as puff snacks, salt or toilet paper. While painting, they were asked whether we should take care of our planet and how it could be done. At the end of the workshops, each child willing to have a water tattoo could get one that featured one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and could have a photo taken in the SDG frame as a keepsake of the day. The young guests could also try sweet treats, including Toruń gingerbread and lollipops.

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