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The MFA actions in the field of global education

Since 2005, the MFA has regularly organised the “Global education” call for proposals to select the best global education projects. The call is open to non-governmental organisations, local government units, public and non-public higher education schools, research institutes, the Polish Academy of Sciences and its organisational units. Every year over a dozen of projects are financed which make Poles better understand current global challenges and encourage them to actively engage in works for sustainable development.

The projects are addressed to teachers and students as part of the formal education system, to representatives of educational institutions, and to the so-called broader public. The initiatives include a broad spectrum of actions, such as increasing teachers’ and educators’ competence in global education, preparing lesson plans, organising workshops and lectures for children and adults, as well as a documentary film festival presenting the economic, social and environmental situation in different countries.

Apart from educational activities targeted at Polish society through projects selected in the call for proposals titled “Global education”, the MFA carries out numerous initiatives of informational and promotional character which aim at raising awareness about Polish development cooperation. These initiatives include photography contests, radio documentaries, exhibitions, annual reports, or thematic publications.

Since 2008, the Department of Development Cooperation has been directly cooperating with radio stations creating documentaries on Polish development cooperation projects. The objective of the documentaries is to familiarise Poles with projects which offer /bring tangible benefits for local communities, and thus prove the importance of development cooperation.

A photo contest “Lens on Development” is a regular event, organised by the department every two years. Previous editions were held in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019. The competition aims at raising social awareness about development problems of the world. The contest, whose goal is to select the best development photo in a few thematic categories, is addressed to adult professional or amateur photographers. Thanks to the events that take place on the sidelines of the competition (press advertisements, media coverage of the award gala, and the exhibition of the award-winning photos, as well as further expositions in other places in Poland), developmental issues reach people who are not usually recipients of information and promotional actions in this field. Photos are entered for the contest in such categories as education and entrepreneurship, the impact of natural environment on human life, democracy and human rights.

Every year calendars of Polish development cooperation are published. They include photographs presenting implemented Polish Aid projects as well as the award-winning photos of the “Lens on Development” contest. Due to their high artistic value, the contest photographs  are each time the pride of the Polish Aid calendar. They also promote development actions, also among those not familiar with the initiatives, who, however, can potentially support them.

Annual Reports titled “Polish Development Cooperation – Annual Report….” have been published since 2000. The publications provide comprehensive information on actions taken by Poland in the area of sustainable development in each year. Annual reports also present the most interesting initiatives and the results of development projects that have been implemented.

Additionally, the MFA Department of Development Cooperation organises photo exhibitions using the abundance of photos it possesses of projects carried out by Polish non-governmental organisations and co-founded by the MFA, projects conducted by Polish diplomatic posts, humanitarian actions, and photo contests. The photographs are shown all over Poland in the open air, in public institutions like schools, libraries, and churches, as well as abroad.
