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The vision of Polish Aid

In today’s world, based on a complex system of interconnections and interdependencies, events in one part of the world can affect the situation in almost every corner of the globe. The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on health, social and economic life worldwide is a clear example. On the other hand, it means that the improvement of the situation in regions of the world distant from Poland may also have a positive impact on our country.

Our vision is the active participation of Polish aid in building a better, more sustainable world for present and future generations. Development cooperation is about development aid, humanitarian aid and global education.

Polish aid provides support, care and protection for people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters or other humanitarian crises. It is a genuine help for communities in partner countries: building and developing peaceful, fair and strong institutions together, providing access to education, decent work, health care and clean water.

An important element of Polish aid is a global education which is intended to make Polish society aware of the most urgent challenges of the modern world. Everyone, through their daily choices and actions, is co-responsible for the quality of life of people, both those in the immediate vicinity and those in distant countries.

The vision of Polish aid is included in the motto:

In the past, we were helped; today we support others because Polish aid has power.

Poland was a recipient of foreign aid for many years. Currently, it supports partner countries in its immediate neighbourhood, but also in Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia. The experience gathered over nearly twenty years in this field makes it possible to define better the priority areas where Polish aid activities make a genuine contribution to positive changes. By doing so, Poland is actively involved in global efforts towards a better future.
