D-Type national visa
Where to apply?
Applications should be made in person at:
The Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Abu Dhabi
CI Tower, office 1502, Al Bateen street, Khalidiyah
P.O. Box 2334, Abu Dhabi
Do I have to apply in person?
Visa application form must be submitted in person. Diplomatic mission does not accept application forms sent via fax, regular mail or e-mail.
How to book an appointment?
In order to apply for a visa, please book your appointment via the e-konsulat system.
The drawing of dates for visa applications for work purposes via the e-konsulat system will take place every Monday.
We would like to remind you that a visa application may be submitted no earlier than six months, and in the case of seafarers in connection with the performance of their duties, no earlier than nine months, before the start of the planned visit and, as a rule, no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the planned visit.
Visits at the Consular Section in order to apply for national visa for employment require the following steps:
1. Visit: https://secure.e-konsulat.gov.pl/
2. Select the type of visa: - national visa - Register Form
3. Accept the general terms and conditions of the procedure.
4. Enter and save a preliminary visa application. Remember that the data entered in the application must be the same as the data in your documents.
5. You will receive a request to confirm the preliminary application to the e-mail address provided. You have to confirm your application within 48 hours.
6. After you confirm the preliminary application, your data will be verified. You will receive information on the results via e-mail. Positive result of verification entitles you to complete the full visa application within the next 48 hours. If the application is not completed within this time, your booking will be cancelled and the data removed from the system.
7. If there are more correctly verified applications for a given consulate than the available visit dates in a given period, the date of appointment will be assigned via an electronic draw.
8. After your application has been drawn, we will send information about the date of the visit to the e-mail address provided by you. Other applications will take part in subsequent draws until they are drawn or until the expiry of the document entitling you to work in Poland.
9. After having received the confirmation email with the specific appointment date, the printed and signed application along with all the required documents must be submitted personally on the day indicated by the system. For details please visit the following website: https://www.gov.pl/web/uae/d-type-national-visa
Registration a visa application for a different purpose than indicated in the selected type of a visa/registration section, making substantial changes in the visa application after completing the registration will cause a visa application rejection. Please register visa applications carefully and with proper attention.
The Polish Embassy in Abu Dhabi does not cooperate with any intermediaries in the matter of accepting and processing visa applications, nor does it recommend using their services.
Using the services of intermediaries does not lead to preferential treatment.
Only the consul is authorized to process visa applications and make decisions in their matters.
The only fee charged is the consular fee for submitting a visa application.
What documents do I need to submit?
In order to apply for Visa in Embassy of Poland in Abu Dhabi an applicant needs to be resident of the United Arab Emirates and have a valid EID.
Required documents:
1. A visa application form filled via the e-konsulat system, printed and signed;
2. A 3.5 x 4.5 cm colour photo. The photo must be:
a. sharp, taken against white background and printed on a quality paper,
b. newer than 6 months,
c. taken en face, clearly showing the eyes and face on both sides from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders with the face covering 70-80% of the photo. The photo must be taken without any headwear.
3. Passport issued within last ten years, valid for at least three months from the expected return date, with at least two blank pages for visas.
4. A copy of the passport page with personal data and the photo.
5. Healthcare insurance valid across the European Union for the amount not lower than EUR 30,000. Information of the Minister of Foreign Affairs about the insurers and the insurances that they offer, which meet the necessary conditions referred to in Article 25 (1) (2) (a) and Article 25 (1b) of the Act of 12 December 2013 on Foreigners is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (List of the insurers and insurances below).
6. A copy of an ID document to confirm legal residence within the consular district of your application (Residence Visa of UAE, Emirates ID).
7. Proof that you have enough means of subsistence in the form decided by the mission.
8. A proof of accommodation (for example, an official invitation or a hotel booking or reservation).
9. Documents confirming the purpose of your stay in Poland
10. For employed: employment certificate.
11. For self-employed: certificate of registration of the company.
12. For sponsored: Affidavit of support by the sponsor along with the ID card/passport of the sponsor as well as the proof of financial means (bank account statement and income employment certificate of the sponsor for the last three months).
13. For unemployed: written and signed statement of explanation of applicant's labour situation.
List of supporting documents (obligatory) to be submitted by applicants for national visa at the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Doha:
1. Compulsory information to be presented by all visa applicants:
1.1. Booking Proof
A proof of accomodation for the entire period of stay and preliminary trip booking. It is not required, that the ticket is bought before applying for the visa. Round-trip booking rule does not apply. One-way reservations shall be accepted.
1.2. Purpose of the trip
A document substantiating the purpose of the stay.
1.3. Solvency
Original bank statements for the past 3 months copied and translated if in Arabic language. In the absence of bank account, proof of other assets has to be provided.
Foreigners planning stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland exceeding 4 days, have to provide evidence of the following amount of financial means:
- 75 PLN (approximately 70 AED) for each day of the stay.
- Additionally, the funds for travelling to the country of origin have to be added to the overall amount as equivalent of tickets to Poland: not less than 500 PLN if one travel from EU Member States and not less than 2 500 PLN (approximately 2 300 AED) to travel from the country outside of the EU territory. For the reference is considered cost of air tickets (including return).
1.4. Document to be provided by employees
Certificate of employment, specifying the date of recruitment, position in the company and salary level.
1.5. Document to be provided by pupils/students
Proof of enrollment in school/university.
List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants travelling for the purpose of study (bachelor, master or postgraduate studies)
a) an original acceptance letter from the higher education institution, confirming that that the third-country national has been accepted by a higher education institution to follow a course of study;
b) a proof of payment in case of starting or continuing paid studies, confirming that the fees charged by the higher education institution have been paid;
c) a document confirming being in possession of financial means sufficient to cover the costs of stay in Poland and the costs of return to the country of origin or residence, or the costs of transit to a third state into which applicant is certain to be admitted;
d) a document confirming being in possession of health or travel medical insurance;
e) letter/statement signed by parents/sponsors (original), certifying that they will cover all cost of staying in Poland – living costs/renting a flat/tuition costs/travel/insurance;
f) travel itinerary – at least booking for ticket.NOTE: The higher education institution must be approved by the Polish Ministry of Interior;
g) high school graduation certificate entitles to study at Polish universities.
Recognition of certificates or the level of education or rights to continue education
I. Recognition of a certificate or the level of education is done by the Education Superintendent appropriate for the place of residence of the Applicant, and if there is no such place, for the official seat of the institution where the Applicant is going to submit the certificate. An administrative decision, issued by the relevant Education Office (https://www.gov.pl/web/edukacja/kuratoria-oswiaty), recognising as a document of confirmation in the Republic of Poland a secondary or upper secondary education, or an entitlement to continue education, including an entitlement to apply for admission to higher education, taking into account the scope of entitlements in the country that has issued the school-leaving certificate - required from the people planning to commence the first year of studies.
II. Recognition of a certificate or a level of education or the right to continue education is not necessary in case of:
certificates or other documents issued by schools operating in educational systems of EU, OECD or EFTA members, which allow access to higher education institutions in those countries (at present: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States).
IB diplomas (International Baccalaureate) issued by International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva;
EB diplomas (European Baccalaureate) issued by European Schools in accordance with the Convention drawn up in Luxembourg on 21 June 1994;
certificates issued in countries with which Poland has signed bilateral agreements concerning the recognition of education.
III. If the international agreements do not provide otherwise, a certificate issued abroad can be recognised by means of an administrative decision as a document confirming the following levels of education in Poland: primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, basic vocational or the right to continue education, including the right to continue education at higher education institutions taking into consideration the scope of rights appertaining.
Detailed information and procedures are available on the websites of the Regional Education Offices - appropriate for the place of residence of the Applicant, and if there is no such place, for the official seat of the university where the Applicant is going to submit the certificate.
A foreigner entering Poland in order to undertake study, participate in scientific research or training, conduct development works, undertake or continue education, must have at least 1 086 PLN for the first 2 months of planned stay or equivalent in foreign currency.
NOTE: The visa process takes up to 14 days and in more complex cases up to 60 days.
ATTENTION: In case applicant won’t be paying for his/her studies he/she should attach notarized sponsor’s letter and one of abovementioned documents from his sponsor
4) possession of health insurance or travel medical insurance covering the entire academic year
List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants travelling for the purpose of carrying out paid activities or internship
a) The original form of the work permit issued by the Voidodship Office in Poland
b) Documents which confirm internship grant
List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants travelling for the purpose of medical treatment
a) Certificate from a medical doctor (designated by the consulate) and/or a medical institution:
- The certificate should state the medical history of the patient and what kind of medical treatment is needed.
b) Official document from the receiving medical institution
- It should confirm that it can perform the specific medical treatment and that the patient will be accepted accordingly
c) Proof of financial arrangement made.
d) Any other correspondence between the sending medical doctor and the receiving medical institution, if available.
List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants travelling for the purpose of scientific research:
a) an employment contract (hosting agreement) between an applicant and a Polish research organization on the admission of a third-country national for the purpose of conducting scientific research, containing provisions on:
b) the title or purpose of the research activity or the research area;
c) an undertaking by the third-country national to endeavor to complete the research activity;
d) an undertaking by the research organization to host the third-country national for the purpose of completing the research activity;
e) the start and end date or the estimated duration of the research activity;
f) information on the working conditions and salary of the researcher;
g) information on the intended mobility in one or several second Member States
h) a document confirming being in possession of financial means sufficient to cover the costs of stay in Poland and the costs of return to the country of origin or residence, or the costs of transit to a third state into which applicant is certain to be admitted;
i) a written declaration of the research organization to reimburse the costs of issuance and enforcement of the decision obliging a third-country national to return in case of his/her illegal stay in the Polish territory.
NOTE: The research organization must be approved by the Polish Ministry of Interior.
NOTE: The visa process takes up to 14 days and in more complex cases up to 60 days.
List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants travelling for the work purpose
a) Original work permit (for our records you can provide copy after presenting original).
b) Letter of intent issued by the employer. The letter should confirm the intention to employ the alien as well as the character of employment, the position and the salary of the employee. The document must also include the contact details of the employer as well as the statement on providing the employee with social security scheme in Poland at the actual start of performing employment duties.
c) Preliminary employement agreement stipulating place, conditions and character of employment.The document shall be signed by both parties and drawn up in Polish and English.
d) Insurance.
e) Proof that you have enough means of subsistence in the form decided by the mission (e.g. the current bank account statement stamped and signed by the bank (for the last 3 months).
f) A proof of accommodation.
g) Preliminary booking of one-way ticket.
i) A current reference letter from the employer in UAE with salary certificate. The certificate of employment must specify the date of recruitment, position in the company and salary
j) Copies of educational certificates (if available; documents confirming the possession of the necessary qualifications. e.g. diplomas, courses).
k) CV (biodata).
Additionally, when applying for a visa for a minor you should present:
- Written consent of the child’s/minor’s parent(s) to apply for a visa, confirmed by a notary. If there is only one guardian, it should be proved by a birth certificate, a court decision on exclusive parental custody or a death certificate of the other parent.
- Originals and copies of parents' passports.
- An original and a copy of a birth certificate.
If the child is entered in the parent's or legal guardian’s passport, please submit a separate visa application. The visa will be pasted into the parent's or the legal guardian's passport.
Please note:
- You must apply for a visa in a consular office or the embassy’s consular department in the consular district of your place of residence
- Usually, the above documents are enough to receive a visa, however, the consul may require additional documents.
- The consul may, but does not have to, invite the applicant for an interview.
- The D-type visas allow to stay in other Schengen states for 90 days of any 180-day period. It means that you can legally stay in the Schengen Area only if your stay was shorter than 90 days over the past 180 days.
- The D-type visa is valid for a maximum of one year.
- Please note, that receiving the visa does not guarantee that you will enter Poland - the final decision is always made by the Border Guard.
How much does it cost?
The visa application fee is 516 AED
The visa application fee is non-returnable, whatever the consul's decision.
At the moment the only accepted form of payment is cash, payment in local currency - dirhams.
What is the waiting time?
A national visa is issued or refused within 15 days of the date of submission of the application, unless the application has been deemed inadmissible. In justified cases, this period may be extended to 30 days.
How to collect the documents?
Visa decision should be collected personally on the day designated by the Consulate staff when submitting your visa application between 2PM till 3PM
How to appeal?
If you do not agree with the Consul's decision, you have the right to file an appeal for reconsideration of the visa application. You must appeal in the office that issued the decision no later than 14 days from its reciept, together with only new information or documents in the case that were not previously attached to the visa application and which may affect a potential change in the decision. You do not need an appointment. Appeals are to be submitted from Monday till Thursday between 10:00 and 10:30.
Application fee - 516 AED
INFORMATION ABOUT REFUNDING STUDENT FEES IN CASE OF RECEIVING A VISA REFUSAL IN ORDER TO START OR CONTINUE STUDIES The charging fees issues for educational services by public universities are regulated in the Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science, and in the case of non-public universities, they result from the internal regulations of these universities. l law contracts with universities, which contain special conditions related to the admission process, the course of studies, as well as provisions regarding the amount of the fees and the rules related to the fee refunds. Candidates for studies should carefully study these documents in detail, in particular the provisions on the rules for obtaining the refund of the paid tuition fees. Refund issues are settled between students and universities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Embassies of the Republic of Poland, as well as the Consulates of the Republic of Poland do not mediate in issues between the student and the university and do not have legal measures allowing a foreigner, who has been refused a student visa, to obtain a refund of the tuition fees. If the university fails to comply with the provisions of the contract concluded with the student, in particular, it has not refunded the fee, claims regarding student fees may only be pursued through civil law. |
acceptance letter templateletter_of_acceptance_template_-_zaświadczenie_o_przyjęciu_cudzoziemca_na_studia.pdf 0.04MB List of the insurers and insurances
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Legal basis
Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (WE) nr 810/2009 z dnia 13 lipca 2009 r. ustanawiające Wspólnotowy Kodeks Wizowy (kodeks wizowy)
Ustawa z dnia 12 grudnia 2013 r. o cudzoziemcach
Ustawa z dnia 25 czerwca 2015 r. Prawo konsularne