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Embassy of the Republic of Poland

Section for Consular and Polish Community Affairs

Városligeti fasor 16.

1068 Budapest


Tel.: (00 36 1) 413 8208

Fax: (00 36 1) 351 17 25

e-mail: budapeszt.amb.wk@msz.gov.pl


Working hours:

Monday: 09.00 a.m. - 13.00 p.m.

Tuesday: closed

Wednesday: 12.00 - 18.00 p.m.

Thursday: closed

Friday: closed


Registration required only in visa affairs.


Ramp for wheelchair can be provided if required.


Head of Section:

Mr. Andrzej KALINOWSKI, Consul of the Republic in Poland in Budapest, First Counsellor


Consular information on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland:

