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A step towards the implementation of a twinning project in Serbia


With the participation of Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik, at the seat of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA), the representatives of Poland, Lithuania and France signed the agreement on the establishment of the consortium which would carry out a twinning cooperation project in Serbia.

Secretary of State Ryszard Bartosik

“On behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Henryk Kowalczyk, I would like to congratulate the consortium of France, Lithuania and Poland on this success. I would like to extend my particular appreciation to the employees of the institutions involved in it. When our country was seeking to join the Community, we also used the assistance of other experienced states. I am glad that this time our experts will be able to share their knowledge with Serbia aspiring to become a Member State of the European Union,” Deputy Minister Ryszard Bartosik said.

Signatories and purpose of the project

The signatories of the agreement starting the implementation of the so-called twining cooperation project for Serbia include ARMA and the agricultural paying agencies and Ministries of Agriculture of Lithuania and France.

Its purpose is to transfer substantive knowledge of the operation and organisation of agricultural markets in the Community to a state seeking to join the European Union. ARMA is the leader of this consortium.

About the project

The project is funded by the European Commission with an allocation of EUR 1.8 million for its implementation.


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