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A successful mission to Vietnam


The main purpose of the visit paid by the delegation of the MARD headed by Secretary of State Lech Kołakowski was to participate in the first meeting of the Polish-Vietnamese Working Group on Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture.


The meeting held on 2 June 2022 was co-chaired by Secretary of State Lech Kołakowski and Mr. Phung Duc Tien, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Group was established on 17 March 20202 by the Ministers of Agriculture of Poland and Vietnam.

The objectives of cooperation

“The aim of the meetings in this format, which we co-chair, is expected to be not only the intensification of our relations, but primarily constructive talks conducive to the clarification of any doubts and uncertainties, as well as a mutual exchange of information. We would like to ensure that this modality of cooperation brings direct positive effects,” Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski said.

Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski stressed the importance of the finalisation of the procedures to allow access for Polish agri-food products (beef, geese, ducks and blueberries) to the Vietnamese market, pointing out that it was important for Poland to see the finalisation of the work in this scope by the end of 2022.

“The development and fluidity of trade are some of the important elements of food security. Today, it is impossible not to mention the concerns related to the spectre of food shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the armed conflicts underway. These problems demonstrate the importance of the opening of new markets, the strengthening of trade, the maintenance of supply chains and the launch of any initiatives to prevent food shortages,” Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski noted.

Referring to the words of the head of Poland’s delegation, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Vietnam agreed with the assessment of Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski regarding the issue of food security and added that he would like to see a greater presence of Polish agri-food products in Vietnam. He also stressed the mutual opportunities resulting from Poland’s membership in the EU and that of Vietnam in the ASEAN.

The results of the negotiations

The negotiations brought the following results:

  • The Parties agreed that after Poland supplied all the information required by Vietnam the procedures for opening the Vietnamese market to Polish beef would be completed in 2022, provided that the results of the audit carried out in 2022 met the Vietnamese standards and requirements.
  • The Parties agreed to expand the bilaterally agreed health certificate for poultry meat and its edible products exported to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with goose and duck meat, provided that the results of the audit carried out in 2022 met the Vietnamese standards and requirements.
  • In addition, Poland stressed that it would like very much to see the finalisation of the procedures to allow access to the Vietnamese market for Polish blueberry by the end of 2022.
  • The heads of both delegations confirmed the further strengthening of bilateral relations and also agreed to continue the talks within the format of the Working Group in 2023.

The other meetings

The topics of intensive bilateral relations, as well as the issues of food security and trade intensification, were also addressed during the meeting of Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski with the representatives of the National Assembly, headed by Mrs. Le Thi Nga, President of the Parliamentary Group for Vietnamese-Polish Friendship.

Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski stressed that Vietnam was Poland’s key partner in many areas, including trade relations. Referring to the intensification of these relations, Deputy Minister Lech Kołakowski pointed out the special significance which the issues related to food and food security now gained.

Referring to the issues of the trade relations between our countries, President Le Thi Nga stressed that, despite COVID-19, Poland remained one of Vietnam’s main partners among Central and Eastern European countries. She also pointed out that the trade between our countries was growing from year to year.

The economic component was the also the main thread of the discussion with the President of the Vietnamese Chamber for Industry and Commerce. The interlocutors addressed, among others, the economic potential of both countries and the opportunities for increasing trade turnover offered by the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which entered into force in August 2022.

Moreover, during the visit the Polish delegation met with the representatives of the Vietnamese Research Institute for Aquaculture in Bac Ninh. The talks addressed the issues of potential cooperation between our countries in the fields of fish breeding and fisheries.

The trade with Vietnam

Vietnam is Poland’s strategic trade partner in Southeast Asia. The Polish exports to the Vietnamese market are dominated by agri-food products. The value of the exports of these commodities in 2021 exceeded EUR 143 million. The Vietnamese exports to Poland mainly included fish fillets, other fish meat, flour and pork.


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